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Prosjektnummer: 900522
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 06.09.2010
Sluttdato: 15.10.2010

Resource budgets and analysis of feed ingredients in salmon diets: A preproject / Ressursregnskap og analyse av fôrråvarer i lakseoppdrett: Forprosjekt

Results achieved
A project proposal on the subject based on the discussions in the workshop was delivered in October 2010. The project will be continued in the FHF-project "Resource budgets and analysis of feed ingredients in salmon diets: Main project" (FHF-900568).

FHF and the aquaculture industry acknowledge the need to develop methods for estimating the efficiency in resource use in salmon farming in comparison with other important feed production systems such as pigs and poultry. Some comparisons have been made in the past, but some of the existing data are up to 20 years old.

With increasing consumer awareness on sustainability and food safety, there is also a need for an analysis of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) for the major feed ingredients used in the Norwegian salmon industry today and for ingredients that potentially may be used in the future in terms of fish health and welfare, food safety, feed quality, feed technology, sustainability and other environmental impacts. Opportunities in the form of competitive advantages, (availability, price, volume, consumer preferences and reputation) also need to be evaluated.

The overall goal is to create a knowledge-based platform that may be used for evaluation of feed ingredients.

1. To arrange a workshop with people from the feed industry. Based on the input and discussions from the seminar, Nofima will suggest contributors to the project from research institutions in Norway and abroad.
2. To deliver a project proposal on the subject based on the discussions in the workshop. Resource budgets and SWOT analysis of feed ingredients in salmon diets shall be provided by Nofima within October 2010, including a list of contributors to the project with specified tasks, a list of feed ingredients to be evaluated, and elements to be considered in the SWOT analysis.
Expected project impact
When established, a knowledge-based platform may contribute to a more impartial discussion onwards on feed ingredients used in the Norwegian salmon industry.
Project design and management
Nofima has been invited by FHF to write a project proposal on the topic in collaboration with people from the salmon feed industry and farming companies. Nofima has accepted the role as project owner and will arrange a seminar with representatives from the major feed and salmon producing companies in Norway to discuss the contents in the project proposal.