The impact of sealice on the salmon industry, the global perspective and possible solutions
The impact of sealice on the salmon industry, the global perspective and possible solutions
June 8th FHF arranges this sealice webinar as part of the North Atlantic Seafood Forum Conference
Sealice is one the factor which influences the industry most today.
It determines regulations, it limits growth, it raises environmental issues, and it seriously affects profitability.
But it is a complex issue, and not easy for people outside of the industry to get an understanding of.
This seminar will give a condensed and effective insight into the impact of sealice on the salmon industry.
It will show the impact in the different salmon producing countries, it will show the specific effects on the industry, it will show the efforts within the industry, and it will indicate the possible solutions.
It will be an important source of insight into a major issue affecting the salmon industry.
More information about NASF 2021 and other events during this conference have a look at the NASF website;
The impact of sealice on the salmon industry, the global perspective and possible solutions
Kjell Maroni, FHF
Global perspectives: Scotland; Norway; Chile; Canada Atlantic; Canada Pacific
Scotland: Iain Berril – SSPO
Norway: Lone Flyvholm og Karoline Skaar Amthor – Sjømat Norge
Chile: Esteban Ramirez – Intesal
Canada Pacific (Br.Columbia): Tim Hewison – BC Salmon Farmers Assosiation
Canada Pacific (N. Brunswick) – Larry Hammel – University of Prince Edwards Island
Welfare impacts
Ketil Rykhus – SinkaBerg Hansen
Environmental impacts
Gro Harlaug Refseth, Akvaplan niva
Possible solutions
Production of large smolt – Esbern Patursson – Hiddenfjord
A holistic regional view to prevent sealice: Film
Ifarm: Karl Fredrik Ottem – Cermaq
New genetic technologies and approaches for understanding and improving Atlantic salmon resistance to sea lice: Nick Robinson – Nofima
Future perspectives
Ingebjørg Sævareid, Chief Advisor Fish health, SalmonGroup
Closing Remarks
Kjell Maroni, R&D Director Aquaculture FHF