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Prosjektnummer: 901309
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 01.12.2016
Sluttdato: 30.12.2017

Reinforcing the communication of the results of the SALDICOD project to consumers, industry and authorities (SALDICOMM)

Key project achievements
• Boost general public awareness on the quality differences between light salted and desalted cod products available at retail distribution.
• Taking over by the Spanish Authorities of the necessity to regulate and control the commercialization cod products. Signing of the agreement between ANFACO-CECOPESCA, AENOR and the Spanish Ministry for the development of a technical regulation for the commercialization of cod products in Spain, which will be finished in 2018.
• Generate industry and commercial sector awareness on the necessity of appropriate and unambiguos labelling, as well as implementing clear differentiation of cod products at retail distribution.
• Video materials available in several languages to be used in future dissemination in several countries.
Sammendrag av resultater fra prosjektets faglige sluttrapport
Prosjektet “Development and implementation of technical criteria for the differentiation of light salted vs. fully salted/desalted cod products: How to disseminate appropriate information and avoid misleading consumers” (SALDICOD) (FHF-900985) ga meget interessante resultater om teknisk differensiering av lettsaltede og utvannede saltede torskeprodukter. Den norske klippfiskindustrien mente at kommunikasjonen av prosjektresultatene burde utvides og rettes mot forbrukere, industri, HoReCa (hotell, restaurant og catering)-sektoren), samt myndigheter. I formidlingsprosjektet var det først planlagt å spre resultatene i Spania og deretter i Italia i samarbeid med Sjømatrådet.

Datainnsamling og utarbeidelse av tekst og materialer resulterte i et bredt utvalg av publikasjoner utformet i samarbeid mellom Norges sjømatråd og ANFABASA (Spansk organisasjon av saltfiskprodusenter) (faktaark, artikler i aviser og magasiner, nettpublikasjoner osv.).

Både tradisjonelle forbrukerkanaler og industri- og HoReCa-magasiner ble brukt til formidling. I tillegg ble en det utviklet en videoanimasjon for spanske, engelske og italienske forbrukere. Resultatene ble også formidlet på industrimessen Conxemar 2017.

Prosjektet har hatt løpende kommunikasjon med spanske myndigheter. En ny teknisk forskrift for riktig kommersialisering av torskeprodukt i Spania, i samarbeid med mellom ANFABASA (Spansk organisasjon av saltfiskprodusenter), ANFACO-CECOPESCA, Det spanske normaliseringsbyrå (AENOR), og Det spanske departementet for jordbruk, næring og miljø har blitt utarbeidet. Den nye forskrifter forventes ferdig til vurdering innen begynnelsen av 2018. I dette arbeidet brukes blant annet referansedata fra SALDICOD-prosjektet (FHF-900985).

Resultatene fra prosjektet vil også kunne inngå i fremtidig formidling i kommende kampanjer koordinert av Norges sjømatråd i Italia. Det er kontakt med italienske importører og organer med sikte på dette.
Videofilmene som er laget i dette prosjektet viser forskjellen mellom ulike torskebaserte produkter. De er tilgjengelig på YouTube® her: 
• SALDICOMM, engelsk med italiensk undertekst:
• SALDICOMM, spansk:

Results achieved
Summary of results from the project’s final report

The project ‘Development and implementation of technical criteria for the differentiation of light salted vs. fully salted/desalted cod products: How to disseminate appropriate information and avoid misleading consumers (SALDICOD)’ (FHF-900985), successfully got to an end with very interesting results regarding the technical differentiation of light salted and desalted cod products. The Norwegian clipfish industry considered that the communication of the project results should be further extended targeting the general consumers, industry, retail and HoReCa sector and authorities. The project was planned to have a first stage of dissemination activities in Spain which could be further extended and adapted to Italy in a second phase.

Data compilation and the preparation of text and materials was carried out, resulting in a wide variety of publications designed in cooperation with Seafood from Norway–Spain (factsheets, magazine features, articles in newspapers, on-line publications, etc.). Not only general consumers, but also industry and HoReCa sector channels were used to disseminate the materials.

In addition, a video animation for the general consumers (Spanish, English and Italian) was also developed and disseminated throughout the project. An event at the Conxemar 2017 industrial fair took also place to extend the topics to the attending companies and organisms.

Communication to the Authorities has been kept during the project. The preparation of a new technical regulation for the appropriate commercialization of cod product in Spain, under a cooperation program between ANFABASA (Spanish Association of Cod and Salted Products Companies), ANFACO-CECOPESCA, Spanish Normalization Agency (AENOR), and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environmental affairs has been set. Some draft documents based in reference data from SALDICOD project were prepared and used for this purpose. The new technical regulation is expected to be finished for evaluation by the beginning of 2018.

The developed materials will be used in forthcoming dissemination campaigns coordinated by Seafood from Norway – Italy. Contacts to Italian importers and organisms have been carried out and an open discussion on the topic is on-going (ultimo 2017).

The videos prepared for this project show the difference between cod products. They are available at YouTube® here:
• SALDICOMM, English with Italian subtitles:

• SALDICOMM, Spanish:
Prosjektet har bidratt til å implementere vitenskapelig arbeid. Det har vært viktig å formidle forskjeller mellom to produkter, som ofte er betraktet som like, på en lettfattelig måte. Dette har vært gjort gjennom ulike distribusjonskanaler rettet mot HoReCa-sektor, forbrukere, industrien og spanske myndigheter.
The Spanish imports of salted cod and klippfisk from Norway have decreased significantly in the last 20 years for many reasons but also as a result of a preference for other cod commodities, especially light salted or frozen cod fillets; with a 30 per cent increase in the overall Spanish imports in the last 5 years, up to nearly 30.000 tonnes.

The reasons behind this change in consumer´s preference are that these products are cheaper and adapt better to new lifestyles. The poor penetration of traditional desalted cod among young consumers seems to be associated, in addition to previous reasons, to a preference for milder flavors. Moreover, previous studies, such as the project ‘Lettsaltede produkter i det spanske markedet – konkurrent eller framtidig forretningsområde for norske saltfiskprodusenter’ (FHF-900110), have confirmed that average consumers in Spain and Italy do not understand the differences between light salted cod and desalted cod. Retail markets are also messy, with many examples of insufficient / inappropriate labelling, as well as misleading practices by operators, either intentional or accidental.

The project, ‘Development and implementation of technical criteria for the differentiation of light salted vs. fully salted/desalted cod products: How to disseminate appropriate information and avoid misleading consumers (SALDICOD)’ (FHF-900985) achieved very interesting results regarding the differentiation of desalted cod vs. light salted cod, and methodologies which could be applied for control. A better definition of cod products (legally) and appropriate labelling will help consumers to make informed choices, hence to increase their confidence in cod commodities.
This project represents a cooperation programme between technicians, industry associations, and the Norwegian Seafood Council, and includes actions aimed for the promotion of a level cod products´ retail market environment in final destination countries like Spain and Italy.
Main objective
To contribute to transparency of the cod retail markets in Spain and Italy and to promote a conscious cod consumer purchase behavior.

Task 1: To raise awareness among consumers on the differences and categories of cod products available at the Spanish and Italian markets.
Task 2: To conduct dissemination activities to the industry and food sector by the communication in industry and consumer media and by organizing a specific workshop.
Task 3: To cooperate with authorities on the standardization of cod retail markets within the European regulation of information to consumers. This includes to promote the inclusion of cod trade surveillance programs by the national authorities.
Task 4: To submit scientific papers to peer review journals with relevant impact factors.
Expected project impact
An impact on the legal status and consumer awareness regarding cod marketing in Spain and Italy is expected as a result of project activities.

A clear labeling of cod products available in the market would also help to increase consumer confidence. Transparency and a better knowledge of the special features associated to the different cod products will ease consumers to make better-informed choices, hence its adherence to cod products consumption.
Increasing concern of the Spanish and Italian authorities would help to develop a legal background which, technically and specifically, complements the EU regulation of information to consumers regarding cod markets, which could prevent food fraud and/or information omissions.

This project will make a difference, if the project team manages to better define the nature of desalted products. Their traditional and special characteristics could be used in marketing strategies aimed to make consumers consider the reasons behind the higher prices of desalted products and without prejudice to other similar products like fresh / frozen or defrosted cod (H&G (headed and gutted), fillets, slices, etc.) light salted fillets, or refreshed cod products.
This project is expected to define a common framework strengthening relationships between Norwegian, Italian and Spanish producers.
Project design and implementation
The project is divided in two phases; the dissemination activities in Spain, which will be coordinated by ANFACO-CECOPESCA and NSC-Spain, and the dissemination in Italy which will be developed in collaboration between the NSC-Italy and the University of Teramo (UNITE), coordinated by UNITE.

The project framework is detailed below. The project will have a first stage of discussion, planning, and development of technical documents, followed by dissemination activities in Spain. Once the Spanish dissemination is on progress, the project objectives will be extended to Italy. The project will be carried out in three interconnected work packages, as detailed below:
WP 1: Project coordination

WP 2: Implementation of dissemination activities in Spain
This WP will be performed in close cooperation between NSC-Spain, ANFACO-CECOPESCA and FHF. This will involve face-to-face meetings and remote networking.

Task 2.1: Documentation and preparation of contents
Taking into account the guidelines from the first coordination meeting and making use of the previous data, tailored documents and materials will be prepared for the dissemination. 

Materials could vary from:
a) Standard text documents (Proposal for standard regulations, report of technical differences between cod products, brochures, leaflets, Posters, etc.)
b) Preparation of contents for the digital resources (images, flash animations, simulations, audio and video (depending on the channel used for communication). 
c) Powerpoint® presentations to be used in dissemination. 
d) Preparation and submission of scientific papers to peer reviewed journals regarding the results of the SALDICOD project and the late technical advances carried out by project members.

Task 2.2: Dissemination to general consumers
Activities would consist in using the prepared materials through the different media channels that could be in the same wavelength of cod consumers.
Task 2.3: Cooperation with the authorities
Mediation with the Spanish Authorities would be closely coordinated by the Steering Committee and necessarily requires the participation of the National Association of Manufacturers of Cod and Salted Fish of Spain (ANFABASA). Tasks would consist on contacts and meetings with the authorities in order to facilitate the development of national technical regulations for cod products, and moreover on activities aimed for the incorporation of SALDICOD methods by public laboratories, and the inclusion of cod products into retail markets surveillance programs.
Task 2.4: Communication to the industrial sector
A workshop in Vigo (Spain) including contents regarding marketing, legal status, and technical aspects of cod products will take place at the end of the project, with the participation of project members and other relevant speakers (Norwegian industry producers, Spanish and Italian companies, chefs, marketing technicians, etc.).
WP 3: Extension of the dissemination activities to Italy
According to the dissemination plan laid down by the steering committee, the materials prepared for the Spanish dissemination will be modified, implemented and adapted to the Italian environment, in accordance to the expected dissemination activities. Press releases and text in Italian for video materials will be prepared for the dissemination of the project results.
The videos performed in the project try to show the difference between these products are available here:
SALDICOMM, English with Italian subtitles:
Dissemination of project results
The project itself basically involves documentation and dissemination activities.