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Prosjektnummer: 900740
Status: Avsluttet
Startdato: 01.01.2012
Sluttdato: 31.12.2014

Development of multirig semi-pelagic trawling (MultiSEPT)

Sammendrag av resultater fra prosjektets faglige rapportering
En tilstandsestimator modell (kjernen i Roll Royce Marine e-Tråling system) er blitt utviklet og ble validert mot simulerte data fra et kompleks trålsystem (dobbel semi-pelagisk tråling). Resultatene viste god overensstemmelse mellom estimator og trålsystemet.

En styringssystemprototype for å kontrollere dybden på tråldørene basert på aktive vinsjkontroll er blitt utviklet og blir integrert i Roll Royce Marine e-Trawling system. To simuleringsstudier er blitt gjennomført til å verifisere operasjonen av styringssystemet. Den ene studien er en simulering av enkeltrål med PI-kontroll av varplengder og det tråles på rett linje. Vinsjene styrer hver sin tråldør uavhengig av den andre. Styrbord vinsj har hysterese for å unngå for mye vinsjaktivitet. Den andre studien er en simulering av dobbeltrål med PI-kontroll av alle varplengdene. Det tråles i sirkelbane. Begge simuleringene ble gjennomført med en trålehastighet på ca. 3 knops. Bunnen er en sinus med amplitude opp til 0,5 meter og har en frekvens på 0,025 Hz. Hver vinsj har totalt 1000 m varpkabel.
Et nytt trålgir (Halvsirkelformede Plate Spredning Gir - SCSG) ble utviklet i prosjektet og undersøkt i fullskalaforsøk i 2013, 2014 og 2015. Undervanns videoopptak, akustiske sensorer og fangstsammenlignings analyse mellom et tradisjonell rockhoppergir og SCSG hjulpet å vurdere ytelsen av det nye SCSG under kommersielle fiskeforhold. Resultatene viste at SCSG fungerte godt og var en meget stabil utstyr som forsiktig glir over havbunnen. Sammenlignet med den tradisjonelle rockhopperen, viste det SCSG noe mer spredning (5–8 %). Når det gjelder fiskeevnen, fanget trålen med en SCSG tilsynelatende mer torsk og hyse enn trålen med en rockhoppergir.
Effekten av sveipelegden i semi-pelagisktråling (hvor sveipelengde med bunnkontakt var annerledes) var studert i fullskala og under kommersielle fiskeforhold i 2014 og 2015. Det ble anslått at oppsettet med sveipene uten bunnkontakt fanget i gjennomsnitt 33 % færre torsk enn oppsettet som holdt sveipene på havbunnen. Tap av torsk var lengde uavhengig for fisk mellom 41 og 104 cm.

To forsøk med semi-pelagisk reketråling ble utført i november 2014 og februar 2015 under kommersielle forhold. Målet med disse forsøkene var å vurdere effekten av å løfte dørene fra havbunnen på rekefangst og bifangst av småfisk. Resultatene viste en halvering av flatfisk bifangst når det fiskes med semi-pelagisk tråling uten å påvirke rekefangstene.

Results achieved
This project has created new knowledge and technology for semi-pelagic trawling in the Barents Sea demersal fishery. The achievements in the project have been possible because of extensive cooperation between the scientific and industrial partners. This report briefly describes the results obtained in this project. The state estimator model (the core of the Roll Royce Marine's e-Trawling system) has been developed and was validated against simulation data from a complex trawling system (double semi-pelagic trawling). The results showed good agreement between the estimator and the trawls.

A trawl door control systems based on active winch control has been developed and is currently being integrated into Roll Royce Marine's e-Trawling system.

Two simulations studies were conducted to verify the operation of the control system:
1) Single semi-pelagic trawl with PI Control of warp lengths. The winches control the trawl door independently of the other. The starboard winch has hysteresis to avoid too much winch activity. Trawling was in straight line.
2) Double semi-pelagic Trawl with PI control of all warp lengths. Trawling was in the arc. The simulations are carried out with a trawl speed of 1.5 ms -1. The bottom is a sinusoidal with amplitude up to 0.5 m and frequency 0.025 Hz. Each winch has a total of 1,000 m warp cable.

Based on the initial full scale tests carried out in 2013, we carried out follow up tests in 2014 and 15 in order to evaluate the performance of the Semi-Circular Plate Spreading Gear (SCSG). Underwater video recordings, information collected from underwater acoustic sensors and Catch omparison analysis between a traditional rockhopper gear and the SCSG helped assessing the performance of the new ground gear under commercial conditions. Generally, there was good agreement with the conclusions from earlier trials. The results showed that the SCSG functioned well and was a very stable ground gear that gently slides over the seabed. Compared to the traditional rockhopper, the SCSG showed slightly more (5–8 per cent) spreading. Regarding the fishing efficiency, the trawl with a SCSG caught more cod and haddock than the trawl with a rockhopper gear.

The herding efficiency of two semi-pelagic setups (where the sweep length with bottom contact was different) were assessed in full scale and under commercial conditions. It was estimated that the setup with the lifted sweeps captured on average 33 per cent fewer cod than the setup that kept the sweeps at the seabed. The loss of catch for cod was length independent and significant for a length span between 41 and 104 cm. When sweeps were lifted above the seabed, herding was negatively impacted and fish were lost; in contrast, when on the seabed, the sweeps were able to herd (on average) 45 per cent of the cod into the catch zone of the gear. Lifting the trawl doors from the seabed is thought as a positive development for this fishery. However, the results show that lifting the doors too much from the seafloor and consequently the sweeps can lead to substantial catch losses.

Two full scale tests with semi-pelagic shrimp trawling were performed in November 2014 and February 2015. The objective of these experiments was to assess the effect of lifting the door from the seabed on the shrimp catch and fish bycatch. The results showed that a significant reduction of flat fish was obtained when using the semi-pelagic setup without altering the catch of shrimps.
Målet med prosjektet var å utvikle og teste ny teknologi som gjør en i stand til å operere trålen med minst mulig bunnkontakt uten å tape fangsteffektivitet. Både styringssystemet for å kontrollere dybden på tråldørene og det nye gearet bidrar til det selv om gearet fortsatt er i berøring med bunn. På den andre siden bidrar det nye gearet tilsynelatende med økt fangsteffektivitet.
Forsøkene med løftehøyde fra bunn gir nyttig kunnskap om hvor høyt en kan løfte dørene uten å tape fangsteffektivitet. Resultatene viser at om en løfter dørene for høyt kan dette gi betydelige fangsttap. I så måte er det ekstra viktig å kan styre vinsjene slik at en har kontroll på dørenes plassering i forhold til bunn.
The bottom trawler fleet plays an important role in the Norwegian maritime cluster and fishing industry; by representing one of the most innovative and economically viable parts of the fleet, by providing year round raw material for the land based fish processing industry, and by contributing to the development of ship technology and competence for the fishing fleet and for the offshore fleet. In Norway, bottom trawling is used primarily in the important gadoid (cod, haddock, saithe) fisheries, and for shrimps. A recent trend among trawlers is to combine pelagic and bottom trawling, since these species sometimes can be found higher up in the water masses. Nevertheless, bottom trawling is likely to continue being the most efficient and important method. Bottom trawls shall by definition maintain physical contact with the seabed; however, in this proposal we will instead consider semi-pelagic trawls intended to catch fish and shrimps that are very close to or at the bottom, and potentially avoid physical bottom contact.

The core challenges in the project are therefore to avoid loss of catch, since the catch efficiency of traditional bottom trawls depends on the bottom contact of different parts of the trawl system, and to develop a safe multirig system that can operate very close to the bottom. Consequently, the core knowledge needs are to investigate new solutions for herding fish into the path of the trawl and to avoid loss of catch beneath the trawl when the bottom contact is reduced or eliminated, to investigate the rigging of multitrawl systems and identifying further related knowledge needs, and to clarify and address the relevant health, safety, and environment (HSE) aspects and risks for such a rough work place under the given extreme environmental conditions.
To reduce NOx- and other environmental emissions by increasing the energy efficiency of resource-intensive maritime operations in Arctic regions. The project proposes developing a multirig semi-pelagic trawling technology to be used for a sustainable exploitation of deepwater resources such as Northern shrimp and Northeast Arctic cod.

• To develop a multirig semi-pelagic trawling (twin and triple trawl) in which trawl doors, central clump(s) and sweeps have no physical contact with the seabed;
• To develop of a trawl surveillance concept based on state-of-the art trawl sensor technology;
• To develop trawl gear control concepts mainly via enhanced winch control and vessel maneuvering control, based on the surveillance technology;
• To develop a light ground gear based on skirt- and brush gear concepts;
• To investigate alternative solutions for herding the target species into the path of the trawl in order to compensate for the loss of herding effect when the doors and sweeps are lifted off the bottom, and in order to further enhance catch efficiency;
• To identify and eliminae risks related to health, safety, and environment (HSE).
Expected project impact
Importance for national knowledge base
This project is connected to the Norwegian Government’s strategy for environmentally sustainable growth in the maritime sector “Steady as she goes”, and more specifically to the maritime strategy of MAROFF (the innovation programme of the Research Council of Norway)’s call: “Environmental perspectives”, and “Resource-intense marine operations, including operations in the Arctic”. This includes building knowledge on energy efficiency within the maritime sector as a follow up to the cross political agreement on climate policy.

The knowledge obtained in this project can in addition be of valuable interest for educational purposes within Fisheries Technology, since three of the partners involved in this project are universities.

Furthermore, international cooperation, knowledge exchange, and network building within fisheries technology, will be strengthened between the different institutions involved in this project.

Finally, this technology can be introduced to the Canadian shrimp fleet through our international partners, contributing to more environmentally friendly and more effective fishing activities in that part of the globe.

Relevance for Norwegian industry
This project proposes 20–30 per cent energy reductions by shifting from bottom trawling to multirig semi-pelagic trawling. Energy savings of up to 30 per cent may mean approximately NOK200 million less in annual fuel costs for the Norwegian trawler fleet at an oil price at current levels. There is a great potential for increasing the annual catch of the northern shrimp by 25,000 tons, towards advised levels of TAC, representing an extra landed value of approximately NOK625 million. The development of multirig semi-pelagic technology is of importance for the Norwegian supplier industry, and its international market. The Norwegian supplier industry is in general world leading, and the knowledge gained in this project will contribute to the general increased competence, which is a premise for maintaining this position.

Other socio-economic benefits
The project can potentially reduce conflict between fisheries and the oil industry by reducing the chances of trawling over oil pipes and other subsea installations.

Environmental impact
The development of an off bottom multirig trawl system will:
• Greatly reduce energy consumption and thus reduce environmentally harmful emissions from the bottom trawling fleet, in particular NOx and CO2.
• Eliminate the bottom impact from trawl doors, central clump(s) and sweeps, and greatly reduce and potentially also eliminate the bottom impact from the ground gear.

Ethical perspectives
No particular ethical aspects are identified in relation to this project.
Project design and implementation
Problem definition
Different themes have been identified as the main challenges for developing a multirig semi-pelagic trawling system:
• Lifting the multirig system (trawl doors, central clump(s), sweeps and bridles) from the sea bed without losing symmetry.
• Control and survelliance of the semi-pelagic multi-trawl system.
• Avoid the escape of fish under the ground gear.
• Loss of herding effect (on fish) when lifting the trawl doors, central clumps, sweeps and bridles from the seabed.
• Ensure that the new trawling technology does not increase the risk for occupational accidents and strain injuries when operated.

Research tasks
There are three work packages (WP) in the project, which will address the main challenges for the development of a new multirig semi-pelagic trawling system:

WP1: Development of a multirig semi-pelagic trawling
Objective: Developing a rig system that allows semi-pelagic trawling of multi-trawl systems (twin and triple trawl) with no physical contact with the seabed.
Leader: Kurt Hansen
Partners: SINTEF, NTNU, University of Tromsø, Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland, University of Massachussets, Marport Deep Sea Technology Inc.

The research tasks (RT) of this working package are:
RT1: Develop a semi-pelagic rig for multi-trawl systems.

: Optimization in relation to towing speeds.
O Case 1: Shrimp trawling.
o Case 2: Fish trawling.

: Function tests at sea

: Risk analysis (HSE) related to the operation of multirig trawling.

WP2: Development of enhanced surveillance and control concepts for multirig semipelagic trawling
Objective: Develop and test enhanced surveillance and control systems into the Rolls-Royce eTrawling concept.
Leader: Karl Johan Reite
Partners: SINTEF, Rolls Royce, Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland, University of Massachussets, Marport Deep Sea Technology Inc.

The research tasks (RT) of this working package are:
RT5: Develop an enhanced surveillance structure for semi-pelagic multirig trawl gears. A model-base state estimator structure will be developed, and analysis of feasibility will be performed with various sensor configurations. The robustness with a minimum sensor configuration will be investigated, and recommendations for such will be given.

: Develop a system for active depth control based on active winch systems and vessel positioning systems.

: Develop a system for aimed fishing based on trajectory control and geometry control of the multirig semi-pelagic trawl gear.

: Implementation of prototype surveillance and control systems on a commercial fishing vessel, feasibility study of the systems developed.

WP3: Development of a herding system for semi-pelagic trawling. (PostDoc)
Objective: The objective of this research task is to increase the fish herding efficiency when the herding effect of trawl doors and sweeps are no longer in contact with the seabed.
Leader: Dr. Svein Helge Gjøsund
Partners: SINTEF, NTNU, University of Tromsø, Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland, University of Massachussets, Marport Deep Sea Technology Inc.

The research tasks of this working package are:
RT9: Reduce the escape of target fish beneath the ground gear in fish trawls.
This will be done by developing a light ground gear which will be based on skirt / brush gear concepts.

: Investigate solutions for herding the target species into the path of the trawl in order to compensate for the loss of herding effect when the doors and sweeps are lifted off the bottom.
o Evaluate the use of Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD) for herding fish.
o Evaluate other technical solutions for herding fish (i.e. low frequency mechanical sound generation, light and other visual stimuli etc.)

Controlled field experiments will be performed in net pens at ACE (AquaCulture Enginering) centre in Trondheim. Behavioural reaction patters of cod when exposed to LRAD, mechanical sound generation, light and other visual stimuli will be studied.

WP4: Assessing the herding efficiency in semi-pelagic trawling. (PostDoc)
Objective: The objective of this research task is twofolded:
i) Fish trawling: assess the fish herding efficiency when the herding effect of trawl doors and sweeps are no longer in contact with the seabed.
ii) Shrimp trawls: measure the non-herding effect of trawl doors and sweeps on fish (bycatch reduction).
Leader: Roger B. Larsen
Partners: SINTEF, NTNU, University of Tromsø, Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland, University of Massachussets, Marport Deep Sea Technology Inc.

The research tasks of this working package are:
RT11: Assess the escape of target fish beneath the new light ground gear.
This will be done by using collecting bag attached behind the groundgear. Ingolfsson, and Jørgensen (2006) using the same technique found that 30% of fish which was in the path of the trawl escape beneath the rockhopper gear. Scanmar sensors of bottom contact will be used to keep desired contact with the sea bed.

RT12: Quantify the loss of herding efficiency due to off bottom door and sweeps on targeted fish species.
The non-herding effect of trawl doors and sweeps on targeted fish species will be assessed by rigging a specially designed double trawl. The rigging of this double trawl will allow one trawl to have door’s and sweep’s bottom contact, while in the other trawl the door and the sweep will not have bottom contact. This trawl arrangement will be first test in small scale in the flume tank and later in full scale at sea.

Comparisons of catches and species composition between the two trawls will provide information for assessing herding effect. Underwater cameras will be used to monitor fish behavior in regard to herding of door and sweeps.

RT13: Quantify the extent of fish bycatch reduction in shrimp trawls
The non-herding effect of trawl doors and sweeps on fish bycatch (non-target species) will be assessed by using the same double trawl and electronic equipment as for RT8.

WP5: Evaluation of multirig semi-pelagic systems
: The objective of this research task is to evaluate the new multirig semi-pelagic system as a whole.
Leader: Dr. Eduardo Grimaldo
Partners: SINTEF, NTNU, University of Tromsø, Memorial Univeristy of Newfoundland, University of Massachussets, Marport Deep Sea Technology Inc.

The research task of this work package are:
RT14: Evaluation of the geometry and performance of multirig semi-pelagic systems in commercial
This will be done by using geometry and (winch) control system.

RT15: Evaluation of the fishing efficiency.
Catch rate comparison rates (fish, shrimp and bycatch): bottom trawling vs semi-pelagic multi-trawling.

RT16: Economic analysis of reducing the loss of fish beneath groundgear versus the loss of targeted fish species due to reduction in the herding efficiency when losing herding efficiency of doors and sweeps.

RT17: Evaluation of energy consumption.
Logging of the total fuel consumption and the machinery power output during the different fishing operations. The main measure of energy efficiency will be the total amount of fuel combusted per kilo landed products.

The project runs for three years (Jan. 2012–Dec. 2014), and include a 2-year PostDoc. The PostDoc work will focus on the WP2 and WP3. The research team will be mainly affiliated with SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFH), the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the University of Tromsø (UiTø), the Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUN) (Canada), and the University of Massachusetts (UM) (USA). This research team is well capable of addressing the different tasks. Appropriate contact will be maintained with other Norwegian institutions, especially management and advisory authorities.

The project is also co-operating with Cosmos Trawl AS (net maker) in Denmark, Marport Deep Sea Technologies Inc. (sonar technology) in Canada.

In Norway the following companies are participating in the project: Rolls-Royce Marine AS (winch control systems), MøreNot AS (producer of fishgear and equipment), Rosund Drift AS (fishing company), and Nordnes AS (fishing company).
Dissemination of project results
Scientific results from the project will be published in both peer-reviewed journal (i.e. Fisheries Research, Ocean Engineering) and appropriate conferences. In addition, results will be annually presented at the ICES Fisheries Technology and Fish Behaviour Working Group (WGFTFB).

Results of industrial interest will be announced through national and international specialist press. (i.e. Teknisk Ukeblad, Norsk Fiskerinæring, FiskeribladetFiskaren and Fishing News International). Posters and demonstrations will be used at exhibitions (i.e. Nor-Fishing). Direct marketing via SINTEF Fisheries and Aquaculture (SFH)’s contacts in the industry, and via project partners.

Results of public interest will be announced and published in exhibitions and newspapers.